Mangun Receives 2024 Award for Education in Neuroscience & Named Fulbright Scholar


Headshot of Ron Mangun

Ron Mangun, Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Neurology and co-director of the Center for Mind and Brain at UC Davis, has just been awarded the 2024 Award for Education in Neuroscience by the Society for Neuroscience. This prize recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to undergraduate- and graduate-level neuroscience education and training. 

Mangun has trained many dozens of undergraduate, doctoral, medical, and postdoctoral trainees. He also co-authored the first cognitive neuroscience textbook, "Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind", which has sold over 150,000 copies across five editions and continues to be the most widely adopted textbook in cognitive neuroscience today. For a decade, Mangun also directed the Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, a program supported by NIMH, NIDA, and the Kavli Foundation, training hundreds of doctoral and postdoctoral scholars from around the globe.

Mangun has also been named a Fulbright US Distinguished Scholar for 2024-2025 by the US-UK Fulbright Commission. He will spend six months in 2025 at the University of Birmingham, UK, as a “Fulbright Distinguished Chair” working on research related to his ongoing work on attention and free will that is supported by the National Science Foundation.